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Pure Arctic Classic Cod Liver Oil is a premium quality purified fat oil, obtained from the fresh livers of cod fish. The fatty acids EPA and DHA have the best documented beneficial health effects. The oil is protected with the best antioxidants on the market that work against the oxidation processes. Orkla Health standards meet or exceed industry standards for oxidation and environmental pollutants to ensure that the cod liver oil is guaranteed pure and safe. Orkla Health is among the few Omega-3 producers in the world having full control of the value chain for cod liver oil.
Orkla Health is a proud member of Goed, which represents the worldwide EPA and DHA omega-3 industry. Our premium Cod Liver Oil Pure Arctic Classic CLO is MSC certified. This certificate is the world’s leading sustainability standard.
Pure Arctic Classic CLO is produced fresh in 190 kg drums and is protected with nitrogen to keep the quality for a shelf life of two years.
Orkla Health has produced the highest quality Omega 3 since 1854.
For more than 160 years, Orkla`s Cod Liver Oil has met health needs at every stage in life – from infants to changing needs as you grow older. Our cod liver oil is made of liver from 100% Norwegian Arctic Cod caught in Lofoten where you find pure, cold, clean seas. The cod liver oil is processed gently at our factory in Norway and kept in its natural state, the triglyceride form. The cod liver oil travels through purification steps and must pass several control points from fish to premium quality pure Cod liver Oil. It is important for Orkla to be a part of MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) and Goed.
Orkla Health offers products that meet specific health needs at every stage of your life – from cod liver oil for an infant or extra vitamins or minerals tailored to your changing needs as you grow older. Orkla Health is now the Nordic region’s biggest supplier and marketer of health products ranging from omega-3, vitamin and mineral supplements, and weight reduction and sports nutrition products. www.orkla.com
Enhance the crunch in cereals, chewiness in bars, and breakage reduction.